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Hide details for ContactsContacts
ATAI7WSABLClient - When a Delivery Failure report is processed, the failed address will be automatically deleted from Recent Contacts and put into Contacts...
ASCR89KJ4KFixed a problem where the recent contact preference "Only names from emails I send" failed to work properly
VASR876SSWSyntax validation was added to Recent Contacts. The following are considered invalid: (1) Any address ending in period, backslash, forwardslash, @,...
RKRY8A2NNXFixed an issue where deleting a Recent Contact would sometimes result in the recent contact reappearing unexpectedly. Now, Recent Contacts, once...
RKRY8BNKYLFix adds a one time validation on the email field of Recent Contacts. No server lookup is being done.
RRAL8D2KG8Fixed a problem where name lookup failed with "formula error" against a Directory Catalog (DirCat).
ASWN8DRQEDFix resolves an issue within Notes Contacts, where contacts are not deleted when case sensitive compare is done. For example: full_name@LOTUS will...
ASWN8B5SPNFix resolves an issues within Notes Contacts, where recently added contacts could intermittently go into a loop, hanging the Notes...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
SHHW7CGCM3Failure to replace design due to internal size limitation of the design collections of the source and target databases.
RSHA89DCDYFix prevents a crash which can occur writing out an UNK table under certain circumstances during a copy-style compact with the -R option (to revert...
HNAA85ZCYYFixed an issue where Attachments get ineditable after replication due to orphaned $FILE item with "Merge/No Conflicts" settings.
SRIO7UTHXLFix crash in logasio (0x200F2010) due to large number of .TXNs needing to be archived
TDOO85FSS7Resolved NIF Pool leak when bad error paths were hit during AddDataToINSort and NIFUpdateNoteExtendedFlags.
STAA86F5JNFixed a server crash while running ' fixup ' on a database during "Cmovmem" Call.
JPMS875QQVFix resolves a Domino Server defect that crashes server with conversation thread abstract generation.
BRIS5WWLBNPrevent "PANIC: InitializeNSF: Attempting to initialize NSF but logger already running" which can occur under certain circumstances such as server...
CTOI7TGHMYFixes server slow down which is experienced when using Database Directory Links on UNIX. To enable this fix, you must set the INI parameter:...
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
DSAN87TMLTFixed intermittent Domino Server Crash in Http during authentication when doing a remote call via Directory Assistance to an LDAP...
Hide details for EditorEditor
JBEN86WJ8DWhen a user sends an encrypted message with an attachment from iNotes, the message displays two attachment icons when viewed though the Notes Client....
JSTN86EVRVAn issue has been fixed where editing a MIME message with encoded attachments results in duplicated attachments.
DCHR89GT3QAdded a policy option to enable administrators to enable or restrict the ability for Notes client users to choose "Save as eml" under "File..Save"...
DCHR89GT3QAdded a policy option to enable administrators to enable or restrict the ability for Notes client users to choose "Save as eml" under "File..Save"...
KSAA7MFEF4Fixed problem with the iNotes plain text editor where clicking the ESC key would delete existing content.
DBRK7NWK7JFixed a Notes client hangs when opening up a specific message that would send Notes into an infinite loop.
SHEZ8B2H7WFixes an error "this database cannot be read due to an invalid on disk structure" when opening an Attachment within Managed mail...
ADEE8BZAR2Fixes an intermittent Notes/Domino hang or crash due to a memory overwrite when Body field is accessed. On the client, viewing body field using...


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